Expatica news

New Zaventem rail line opens on Sunday

8 December 2005

BRUSSELS — A direct train line from the Flemish city of Leuven to Zaventem Airport will start operating on Sunday.

The new route will save passengers some 30 minutes because they will no longer have to travel via Brussels.

The journey from Hasselt and Liège will also become shorter, commercial broadcaster VTM reported on Thursday.

On weekdays, two trains per hour will operate, falling to one train per hour on weekends.

Meanwhile, several other railway investments were given the green light on Wednesday.

In particular, a railway tunnel under the Schelde River will be constructed by 2011. The funding for the project has now been finalised.
As soon as the Deurganckdok in Antwerp starts operating at full capacity, millions of shipping containers will be transported from one side of the river to the other.

The railway line through the Kennedy Tunnel will not be able to handle the increased capacity at the Antwerp port.

[Copyright Expatica News 2005]

Subject: Belgian news