Expatica news

National postal strike on Friday

22 May 2007

BRUSSELS – The unions representing postal employees decided this morning to go ahead with a strike on Friday.

“We are going to call on workers to stop work on that day,” said Lieve Van Overbeke of Christian government workers’ union CCOD. The trade unions that represent postal workers all met on Tuesday morning.

The strike is in response to dissatisfaction with Georoute 2, the computer programme that draws up postal routes. Postal workers based in the centre of Ghent have been on strike for 12 days now already to protest problems with the computer programme.

Normally a meeting with management at De Post would have been planned for later in the week, but the unions believe “the problems are so great that management will not be able to come with a quick solution,” said Van Overbeke.


The national strike will also give the workers a chance to voice their grievances, the spokesperson said.

[Copyright Expatica News 2007]

Subject: Belgian news