Expatica news

Move to restrict candy at checkout

More and more European countries are restricting the display of candy at the cash registers in shops. In France for example, stores will no longer be allowed to display candy at the checkout counter from 10 March. In the Netherlands stores are experimenting with different ways of dealing with the temptation at the checkout.

Candy makes its way into our shopping bags quite easily. It is hard for parents to get out of a shop without their children begging for candy.

Even if parents can cleverly manoeuvre their way around a shop, missing the ‘temptation aisles’, their attempts are foiled at the checkout counter with the shelves of candy beaconing temptingly.

The worst thing about the displays, according to nutritionist Patrick Mullie of Leuven University, is that this contributes to the growing problem of obesity among children. 15 percent of the children in Belgium are obese and a higher percentage is overweight. According to Patrick Mullie, candy sold at the checkout plays a role in the problem.

He is in favour of a total ban of candy displays at the cash registers.
