Expatica news

More students working in the holidays

31 March 2005

BRUSSELS – The number of students getting a job during their holidays is climbing, according to a Belgian temping agency.

On Thursday, La Derniere Heure reported that Creyf’s Student, which specialises in getting jobs for those at high school and at university, had found work for 6,313 students in 2004.

That means they had 4 percent more students working for them than in 2003 when they had 6,168.

The agency pointed out, though, that the students are working fewer hours altogether – 403,633 hours, down from 417,978 hours in 2003.

Temping agencies are also accepting students at a younger and younger age, according to the figures.

The proportion of student workers aged 15-18 has risen in two years from 10.7 percent to 12.39, although students aged 20-23 years still make up the largest group.

Creyf’s say the fact that workers are younger and younger is due to teenagers consuming more than ever before and needing their own pocket money to buy what they want.

It’s likely, though, that temping agencies may pay younger workers less: the average 2004 salary was lower than the previous year.

[Copyright Expatica 2005]

Subject: Belgian news