Expatica news

Michel in fresh bid to bringhome Tehran embassy girls

23 January 2004

BRUSSELS – Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel has spoken again with his Iranian counterpart about the case of two young girls currently taking refuge inside the Belgian embassy in Tehran.

Michel spoke to Kamal Kharrazi in Bern, Switzerland on Wednesday.

“I met with Mr Kharazai at my request,” said Michel.

“We are trying to find an amicable solution to this dramatic question,” he added.

The two girls, six-year-old Sara and her 15-year-old sister Yasmine come from Liege. They were kidnapped by their father and taken to Iran last August after a holiday in Greece.

But at the beginning of December they escaped and made their way to the Belgian embassy where they are still taking refuge today.

Wednesday’s meeting is the second time the two foreign ministers have discussed the case. Michel said he was “convinced of the willingness of the Iranian authorities to allow a new, calm discussion between the girls’ parents.”

But he gave no indication as to if or when the girls may be allowed to travel home to Belgium.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Belgian news