Expatica news

Major Islamic terror trial starts in Brussels

3 November 2005

BRUSSELS — The trial of 13 men accused of membership of the Moroccan Combatant Group (GICM) will start on Thursday in Brussels.

The men were arrested in last year in Maaseik, in Limburg, and Brussels after a period of surveillance by the Belgian judiciary.

Federal judicial authorities claim the men offered logistical support to the GICM Islamic terrorist network.

The network is held responsible for bomb attacks in the Moroccan capital of Casablanca and the Saudi capital of Riyadh in May 2003 and in Madrid on 11 March last year. Some 271 people were killed in the attacks.

Some18 suspects appeared at a committal hearing in August, but only 13 of them were committed for trial in Brussels.

A large-scale security operation will be in force around the Brussels Court throughout the trial.

[Copyright Expatica News 2005]

Subject: Belgian news