Expatica news

Industrial action looms for Post Office

15 October 2004

BRUSSELS – Trade unions representing Belgian postal workers have broken off talks with the Belgian Post office on the question of working time, bringing the threat of industrial action nearer, it was confirmed on Friday.

The unions said they had walked out of talks because post office managers had not made any new efforts to meet their demand for reduced working hours.

The unions want the working week for post workers to be reduced from 38 to 35 hours in line with a deal they struck with management to cover the period 2001-2004.

But the post office says it cannot realistically respect the agreement and wants the union to consider alternatives to a shorter working week.

For example, it is proposing to give unlimited contracts to certain workers who are currently only employed on a short term basis.

But the unions say this is not enough.

Earlier this month the unions threatened to go on strike if the working time issue was not resolved speedily.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news