Expatica news

Hotel operator abused children

28 February 2007

BRUSSELS – The court in Turnhout sentenced Peter K. from Hasselt to a prison sentence of five years, one year suspended, for sexually abusing a number of minors. The crimes took place in the Kadee children’s hotel in Dessel, which has since been closed.

Peter K. was arrested in March 2002 after a report from a minor that he had been sexually molested at the hotel. Peter K. confessed to eight charges of abusing minors and denied two.

The court in Turnhout acquitted the man of two charges, but found him guilty of the others. Peter K. will have to serve four years of the five-year sentence. The man will also be denied his civil rights for a period of ten years. He will have to pay provisional damages of EUR 1,000 to a number of civil parties.

[Copyright Expatica News 2007]

Subject: Belgian news