Expatica news

Greenpeace puts ark on Muntplein

2 April 2007

BRUSSELS – Greenpeace placed a 12-metre long wooden ark on the Muntplein in Brussels on Monday. The organisation’s action is in response to the publication of a report on global warming from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC).

“We want to give the larger public a wake up call after the publication of the second report from the IPPC,” said Marleen Houtmeyers, spokesperson for Greenpeace.

“The climate ark is a reference to Noah’s ark and the flood that Noah was faced with. We are also in danger of being flooded in various ways in the future.”

The ark houses a small exhibit on the consequences of global warming for developing countries.

The wood used to make the ark bears the FSC label, a designation for sustainable forest management. The exhibit on the Muntplein is open Monday and Tuesday between the hours of 10 am and 6 pm. Visitors are also given a brochure on saving energy.

[Copyright Expatica News 2007]

Subject: Belgian news