Expatica news

French firm buys up Belgian comic publisher

25 June 2004

BRUSSELS – Editions Dupuis, the Belgian publisher of beloved comic strips such as Largo Winch, Boule et Bill and the Schtroumpfs, will be sold to a French company, it was announced Friday.

Compagnie Nationale à Portefeuille, the holding company of Belgian financier Albert Frere, said it has agreed to sell Dupuis to France’s Media-Participation, which already publishes comic strips through its Dargaud and Lombard divisions as well as Michelin guides.

Created at the end of the 19th century, Dupuis was sold several years ago to CNP. As a general policy Media-Participation grants its publishing units free reign and complete editorial freedom, and has pledged to keep Dupuis’ headquarters in Marcinelle, Belgium.

CNP said it expects to reap a EUR 67 million capital gain on the sale, terms of which were not disclosed.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject : Belgian news