Expatica news

France, Spain tops for Belgian holidays

20 May 2005

BRUSSELS – France, Spain and Turkey are at the top of Belgians’ holiday destination list, findings released Friday show.

The study of 2,000 persons, by Ipsos consumer research company for the Touring motor-assistance organisation, found that six out of 10 Belgians are planning a vacation abroad.

Not surprisingly, France again won top billing, followed by Spain and Turkey, La Derniere Heure newspaper reported. Germany and Italy also ranked among the top five.

More than half of Belgians (52 percent) have already booked their summer holidays, mainly through a travel agent. On the other hand, some 39 percent said they book their trips themselves.

Most Belgians prefer company when they travel. Only 5 percent plan to hit the road alone, while 77 percent will vacation with their families and 13 percent with friends.

Some 44 percent of respondents said their holidays typically last a fortnight, while 7 percent said this is much as 28 nights or more. Some 5 percent have vacations of 16 to 19 nights, and 7 percent between 20 and 27 nights.

At the low end of the spectrum, 22 percent will have a holiday of just one week to 12 days.

And how much do Belgians spend on their holiday?

Some 36 percent will spend between EUR 1,000 and EUR 1,999, while 24 percent will spend less than EUR 1,000.

Some 17 percent will spend more than EUR 2,000, while 4 percent has a EUR 3,000 or more budget.

[Copyright Expatica 2005]

Subject: Belgian news