Expatica news

Fourniret in kidnap reconstruction

18 October 2004

BRUSSELS – French serial killer Michel Fourniret has taken part in a reconstruction of the kidnapping of one of his victims.

Fourniret, who has so far admitted to murdering nine people in Belgium and France, on Sunday retraced the steps that led to the abduction of 12 year-old Elisabeth Brichet.

Police have been trying to establish whether his actions were premeditated.

He was accompanied by his estranged wife Monique Olivier and remained in an armoured car.

Hand-cuffed and wearing a bullet-proof vest, Olivier walked the length of the crime scene.

“Both perfectly recognised the place. Michel Fourniret provided all the necessary information from the car. We can only confirm the version of events advanced up to this point,” prosecutor Cedric Visart de Bocarme told AFP.

According to confessions obtained from the couple, Fourniret lured Elisabeth into his car outside her home in Namur.

She was on her way to a friend’s house, just 200 metres from her own.

He then drove her to his home in Floing, north east France, where he sexually assaulted her.

The 62 year-old is then believed to have taken her to another of his properties, the nearby Sautou castle, where he committed a second sexual assault and then murdered her.

Police discovered Elisabeth’s buried body on 3 July this year.

Fourniret is expected to stand trial for his crimes in France, where most of the murders took place.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news