Expatica news

National holiday promises heavy traffic

Thursday’s evening rush hour is expected to start early and last longer than usual.

On 21 July the people of Belgium mark their national holiday. On Thursday evening more drivers than usual will be on Belgian roads heading either for the sun or our North Sea coast or hopefully for both! The busiest traffic is expected on the Brussels and Antwerp orbitals. Many Dutch nationals too will participate in a national exodus creating extra through traffic through Belgium as Dutch people head south for some well-deserved sun. Heavy traffic is expected on Saturday too as well as on Sunday as tourists return home from a 3-day weekend on the coast.

VAB says the best times to leave for the coast are Friday after 9PM and Saturday between 7AM and 9AM and after 3PM. If you’re heading abroad take to the road Friday after 9PM, Saturday after 11AM or on Sunday.


Flandersnews.be / Expatica