Expatica news

Moortsele shocked by attempt of animal cruelty

An apple carefully filled with long iron nails was found in a field where horses were grazing. The horses miraculously escaped serious injuries.

Apples are a delicacy for horses. When they see one, they will not hesitate to eat it. However, this time an apple was used as a kind of bait to seriously injure a horse.

A “nail-stuffed” apple thrown in the field was a kind of ticking time bomb, but the horse owner, 25-year-old Lien, discovered it in time. “This must be a case of animal cruelty. The nails were carefully put inside the apple.”

Lien informed the police, but the perpetrator has not been found yet. The Mayor, Johan Van Durme, is talking of “an extremely cowardly attack.” The photo is being shared on Facebook. Moortsele is an area popular with horse owners. They will remain on the alert.


Flandersnews.be / Expatica