Expatica news

Big jams expected on the roads this weekend

Giant jams are forecast for Saturday even on so called ‘alternative’ routes.

In many parts of Belgium the holiday enjoyed by the construction industry ends, while in the south of the Netherlands the holidays are only just starting. In Germany school holidays start in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

All day Saturday Belgian roads will convey Belgians and Dutchmen returning home from their holidays. Fine weather will encourage many day-trippers to make for the coast exasperating the situation further.

Avoid France on Saturday too! Jams are expected in the Valley of the River Rhône from 7AM onwards. 700kms of jams are expected around 1PM. French roads will be plagued by jams on Friday and Sunday too.

In Germany the greatest problems are anticipated in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria where the school holidays start and where the main traffic arteries are concentrated.

Heavy traffic is expected in Switzerland on Saturday ahead of Tuesday’s national holiday. Delays of up to 2 hours are anticipated at the Gotthard Tunnel for drivers heading for Italy.

Flandersnews.be / Expatica