Expatica news

Flemish Taste Week underway

16 November 2007

BRUSSELS – Flemish Taste Week got under way on Thursday. Culinary events are being held throughout Flanders and Brussels between 15 and 24 November. The first Flemish Taste Week was held last year and its success prompted the organisers to make it an annual event.

The idea behind Taste Week is to let as many people as possible enjoy the pleasures of good food and drink.

The event approaches gastronomy from a cultural perspective and attention is paid to the way in which products are produced and consumed, as well the history behind foodstuffs and recipes from across the globe. The promotion of cultural diversity is an important plank of the Flemish Taste Week.

Taste Week is being backed by the Flemish Government and drew its inspiration from similar events that are held in Switzerland, France and Australia.

The Flemish Centre for Popular Culture is responsible for the coordination of the event.

The hospitality industry, the media, cultural associations and farmers are among the host of individuals and organisations that are taking part.

Well over a thousand culinary events will take place throughout Flanders and Greater Brussels during the next nine days.

[Copyright Flanders news 2007]

Subject: Belgian news