Expatica news

Flemish liberals and democrats fight it out ahead of May elections

The Open VLD also anointed Asylum Secretary Maggie De Block as the liberals’ candidate for the social affairs portfolio.

Liberal leader Gwendolyn Rutten attacked the Open VLD’s rivals by suggesting that they always seem to forget the need to cut taxes when they draw up their manifesto: "The socialists envisage EUR 4 billion worth of fresh taxes, the Christian democrats 3.3 billion and the Flemish nationalists 1.7 billion."

Ms Rutten clearly had the Flemish nationalist N-VA in her sights: "Those who freeze, create a cold society. Those that block growth in the care sector for two years do not create solutions, only waiting lists. Those that believe that you can reduce early retirement with an axe won’t keep anybody at work for longer, but will create fear."

Open VLD believes that the popular Asylum Secretary Maggie De Block has the abilities to do a good job at social affairs: "She has the expertise and the strength to act. She is our doctor. With her recipe we will put matters to right in health care."


Flandersnews.be / Expatica