Expatica news

Flemish boy to be released Tuesday

26 September 2007

BRUSSELS – The Hasselt boy who has been in prison in the US state of Kentucky for a month and a half already will most likely be released on Tuesday. Public Prosecutor Henry Johnson has told the Concentra newspapers this.

The boy’s case was heard by a Grand Jury on Tuesday. “The 13-year-old girl and her mother testified in the boy’s favour,” Johnson said on Tuesday. “They have been urging the boy’s release since the beginning.”

Kenneth Sergent, the assistant sheriff who helped with the boy’s arrest on 4 August, was also heard in court. “The judge has postponed the ruling until next Tuesday because a few witnesses still need to be heard,” the prosecutor said. “But I assume that the jury will rely most heavily on the testimony of the girl and her mother. It is almost certain he will be released on 2 October.”

[Copyright Expatica News 2007]

Subject: Belgian news