Expatica news

What’s new on 1 November?

People who own a DERV-fuelled vehicle will also feel the pinch as duty on DERV is raised too and it’s not yet the end of the line for duty increases on DERV also known as diesel in some jurisdictions as the government has more increases in the pipeline.

The duty hikes are part of the government’s tax shift project that shifts taxes away from labour costs and onto other sources of revenue. DERV will rise 0.3 eurocents a litre. The hike will probably only become apparent on Belgian forecourts on 4 November, after the All Saints/All Souls holiday. Further duty increases are on the way. By the end of 2018 filling your tank with 50 litres of DERV will cost at least 3.03 euros more in duty.

There’s good news for petrol consumers. 1.38 euros less in duty will be due on that same tank of 50 litres as early as next year. Duty will then be frozen until the end of 2018.

Duty on beer is going up too. There’s a 0.6 eurocent increase in the duty on a bottle of beer. Duty on a bottle of whiskey rises by a whopping 2.88 euros.


Flandersnews.be / Expatica