Expatica news

Prepare for heat wave on the way

There has been a marked improvement in weather conditions over the past week or so and weather forecasters say that things are set to get even better this week with days of glorious sunshine and temperatures rising steadily to reach 35°C in some places by the weekend.

Warm air coming from the south will see temperatures in our region rise to around 25°C today.

Tomorrow will see the summer weather continue and temperatures rise to between 25°C and 28°C. Temperatures will top 30°C on Wednesday. The temperatures will rise still further to between 30°C and 35°C at the end of the week.

If the forecasters are correct this week will see the first heatwave of the summer. In order to gain “heat wave” status temperatures at the Ukkel Weather Centre have to have topped 25°C on five consecutive days, on three of which temperature exceeded 30 degrees.

How to survive the heat wave

• Drink enough water, even if you aren’t thirsty. This prevents dehydration.

• Make sure that you always have a bottle of water with you.

• Use sun cream, sun glasses and a hat to protect yourself from the sun and cover up.

• Avoid heavy exercise during the hottest part of the day that is between 12 noon and 4pm. Sit in the shade.

• Make sure you can cool off. Find a place where it is cooler or where there is a cool wind. Take a cold shower.

• Drivers should take more rest breaks or where possible change drivers more often as heat makes you tired.

• Use your air condition in your car.

• Make sure that you park your car in the shade and cover the front and back windscreens will sun repellent foil, cardboard of a cloth.

• Never leave pets in the car unattended.


Flandersnews.be / Expatica