Expatica news

9,000 subpoena Belgium over climate change

About 9,000 people have signed a complaint subpoenaing the Belgian authorities with a view to obliging them to change their policies and take greater account of climate change. The petitioners want Belgium to ensure an 87.5 percent reduction in its CO2 emissions by 2050 compared to a 1980 base.

Eleven Belgian celebrities took the initiative for Klimaatzaak, ‘Climate Case’. Talks have been held with the various authorities concerned but the petitioners believe that too little progress was made and decided to move ahead with a subpoena. In the meantime the group allowed everyday Belgians to join them in their petition. So far 9,000 have rallied to the call.

The complainants expect a first court hearing within the fortnight, but a thorough discussion of the issues in court could be over a year off. The complaint asks the judge to oblige the authorities to agree a timetable for meeting EU targets within three months. This timetable should set out who does what. The complainants hope that the court will agree to impose a 10,000 euro fine if the authorities fail to meet this deadline. They are also urging the court to oblige the authorities to draw up a joint co-ordinated and detailed programme of budgeted measures within nine months.


Flandersnews.be / Expatica