Expatica news

‘Fine-free week’ starts today

The police trade unions called for this initiative to warn the parties expecting to from the new government that they are displeased with the new retirement age.

Starting from today, the police officers are being asked to ‘educate’ traffic offenders instead of making them pay.

“We want to raise awareness amongst drivers breaking the law and tell them what they are doing wrong”, said NSPV police trade union representative Gert Cockx.

The police trade unions called for a ‘fine-free week’ to make clear that they are very unhappy with the new retirement age.

In August, the Constitutional Court insisted that all police officers should retire at the same age, namely 62.

Many police officers who were due to retire suddenly found themselves facing another couple of years at work.

Transitional measures have been promised to those affected, but have not yet been drawn up by the coalition negotiators.

Two weeks ago, 14.000 officers took to the streets of Brussels to protest the decision, but trade unions have now decided that they want to give a clear signal.

“We don’t want to hold the country hostage by going on strike every week, but we do want to undertake action. We’re very determined.”

“Officers still allowed to fine you”

Mr Cockx does emphasise that this week isn’t an invitation to break all traffic laws. “The traffic regulations should still be adhered to.”

On top of that, not all officers are taking part in the ‘fine-free week’.

“Officers are free to choose whether they partake in this action. They can decide on the spot whether or not they will fine someone”, according to Cox.

“Serious offenders won’t just receive a bit of a telling-off. Whoever commits a serious offense, can expect to pay.”

Mr Cockx estimates that the state will lose out on EUR 7 million as a result of this initiative.



Flandersnews.be / Expatica