Expatica news

More speed cameras rolled out across Flanders

He claims this will be done by installing 30 new average speed cameras. The mobility minister says that by 2020 all fixed speed cameras should be replaced.

1,400 locations across Flanders need to be tackled. As much as possible conventional and digital speed cameras will be replaced by average speed cameras. The average speed cameras will be installed on regional roads and on the motorways.
Smart cameras are planned for the motorways where number plate recognition cameras will be used. Existing individual speed cameras will also be connected to create an average speed camera installation. In places where there is only one speed camera additional cameras are needed to create speed camera installations.
3.5 million euros is being invested this year. Minister Weyts believes that the new system will be more just and people won’t be surprised by a moment of inattention. Revenue from the average speed camera fines will be invested in road safety.
Flandersnews.be / Expatica