Expatica news

Fall in serious traffic accidents

24 November 2004

BRUSSELS – The number of serious traffic accidents in Belgium so far this year has fallen by 11 percent, said press reports on Wednesday.

The number of road deaths has fallen from 921 to 889, or by 3.5 percent, while the number of injured fell from 39 636 to 35 282.

Casualties in Wallonia dropped the most, with 15 percent less accidents reported, compared to a cut in Flemish accidents by ten percent.

The Hainaut province, with 18.5 percent less accidents, had the best results.

The figures, comparing the January to September period in 2003 and 2004, were recorded by Belgian public prosecutors.

They were released by Mobility Minister Renaat Landuyt, who qualified the results as “200 percent certain.”

Precise details are still to be obtained from local police stations.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news