Expatica news

Extra cash for Belgium’s underprivileged schools

21 April 2004

BRUSSELS – The Belgian authorities have agreed on new rules that will see the state pumping more funds into schools in disadvantaged parts of the country than it does into establishments in rich areas, it was announced on Wednesday.

The new approach to school funding is based on the Finnish educational system, which sets aside extra funds for schools with large numbers of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Target groups for the new funding would include children living in low-income families. Many children from immigrant families would fall into this category, for example.

Under the new programme, extra funding for state schools in well off areas is set to rise by between 30 to 40 percent by 2010.

But funding levels will increase by 70 percent over the same period for schools in poor districts.

The Belgian authorities insist the move is not an attack on the principle that all pupils should be treated equally.

They argue that if all students ion the country are to have an equal chance at school, some need more help than others.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news