Expatica news

Expert worried over WADA’s corticosteroid plans

  Feb 26, 2008 – French anti-doping supremo Pierre Bordry on
Monday expressed his concerns over plans by the World Anti-Doping Agency
(WADA) to change rules that could make it easier for athletes to use
   WADA has recently outlined proposals to change rules regarding Therapeutic
Use Exemptions (TUE), which allow athletes to use certain medication if
suffering from illnesses or a particular condition.
   Although WADA’s proposals are still at the consultation phase, Bordry said
after a meeting with his WADA counterpart John Fahey he was worried that the
rule changes would see an increase in athletes injecting corticostroids.
   "We’re worried in particular about the use of corticosteroids by
injection," said Bordry, the president of France’s national anti-doping body
   Currently, athletes can apply to national federations, or WADA, for a TUE,
of which two types exist – abbreviated and standard.
   WADA’s new proposals would see the disappearance of abbreviated TUE’s
(ATUE), meaning that athletes, as of 2009, could effectively use
corticosteroids without being in possession of any TUE.
   ATUE’s cover the use of glucocorticosteroids – powerful anti-inflammatory
agents which can be used to treat chronic inflammatory conditions – and beta-2
agonists, such as the asthma drug salbutamol.
   While using glucocorticosteroids topically, such as skin creams and eye
drops, has been permitted since July 1, 2007 and do not require an ATUE
athletes need an ATUE to inject corticosteroids.
   Injecting in sport is a sensitive issue in France – one of the first
countries in Europe to introduce strict anti-doping laws – and Bordry,
following a meeting with Fahey in Lyon, added: "I’ve told Mister Fahey of our
concerns, and he has taken them on board.
   "But whatever happens, the proposals to revise the rules will still be put
to the various anti-doping bodies. We will continue our discussions."