Expatica news

Experience Vlerick Days

Experience the electric atmosphere of Vlerick first hand; join other, like-minded and equally ambitious professionals; get the penetrating insights and pragmatic ideas you need to drive your career into the future.

Enroll for two free workshops on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at our campus in Ghent from 9am until 1pm:

  • Disrupt the disruptor: how fat cats can beat puppy dogs – Prof Marion Debruyne.
  • Everyday leadership: increase your leadership capacity – Prof Katleen De Stobbeleir.
  • Entrepreneurs, stay on top of the world – Prof Hans Crijns.
  • Grow towards a process-oriented organisation – Prof Stijn Viaene.

Don’t wait! Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. The appointments are meant for working professionals & executives. Still a student? Discover our dedicated Masters info session.

In case you cannot make it on that day or you prefer a one-to one consultation with a programme advisor, check for other dates and locations where you can meet us.


Contributed by Vlerick Business School.