Expatica news

Electricity prices could double

Mr Van Troeye told the financial daily De Tijd that investments were needed to guarantee supplies.

During the ten months since Philippe Van Troeye became Electrabel CEO tiny tears were discovered in nuclear reactors at Doel and Tihange.

Two reactors were closed down as a result. It also emerged that the Doel 4 reactor was the target of sabotage.

Philippe Van Troeye: “Taking nuclear reactors offline weighs heavily on us. Closing down these reactors was a temporary problem, but above all we are facing structural problems.”

The Electrabel CEO is pointing to the need for structural investments to ensure future production.

“Investment is needed to replace the oldest reactors. New plants are required to take care of peak demand and we need back-up plants for renewable energy. Investments have not been made because market signals are not encouraging investment. With market prices of 40 euros per Megawatthour will not lead to new investments.”


Flandersnews.be / Expatica