Expatica news

“Don’t hit pregnant women!”

21 November 2007

BRUSSELS – Today a new campaign to warn against the danger of violent abuse during a pregnancy was launched.

Research carried out by Ghent University reveals that 3 percent of pregnant women are the victims of violence during their pregnancy. 1,500 women at various hospitals were polled.

Many of the women suffered violent abuse before their pregnancy, but in half of all cases it was the pregnancy itself that triggered the violence.

Pregnancy can put extra pressure on a relationship.

Marleen Temmerman of Ghent University told the VRT that during a pregnancy women are often more introverted and involved with themselves and their pregnancy and that this can sometimes trigger violent and sexual abuse.

Some men get the impression that they are not getting what they deserve and this can lead to violence.

Violence during a pregnancy can result in a miscarriage or a still birth.

Children may suffer development problems.

[Copyright Flanders news 2007]

Subject: Belgian news