Expatica news

Demonstration in Brussels leads to little disruption

25 September 2008

BRUSSELS — Traffic on the roads was largely unaffected by the socialist civil servant trade union’s demonstration Thursday morning.

The police had anticipated blockades and consequent problems on the inner Brussels orbital ring road between 7:30 and 8:30 in the morning.

Major roads leading into Brussels were blockaded as trade unionists from the socialist civil servant trade union ACOD handed out pamphlets.

The problems at the road blockades were limited as commuters apparently heeded the authorities’ advice. On Wednesday, the police send out a message saying warned motorists to avoid Brussels on Thursday because of the demonstration. They advised commuters to use public transport or stay away from the capital on Thursday.

The demonstrators protested against the government’s failure to address issues such as a decline in purchasing power. The Brussels civil servants also complained that they earn 15 percent less than Walloon and Flemish civil servants.

[flandersnews.be / Expatica]