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CORRECTED: Danish court extends detention of suspected bomber

A Danish court extended by two weeks Monday the detention of a Chechnyan man suspected of preparing a letter bomb for a newspaper that published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

The man, who was lightly wounded when a rigged letter exploded in his hands on September 10, also confirmed his identity to a Copenhagen court as Lors Dukayev, born in Chechnya in 1986 and a resident of Liege in Belgium.

“His preventive detention has been been extended until October 4, which is not surprising in view of the nature of this case,” his lawyer Niels Ancker Rasmussen told journalists after the hearing.

Dukayev, who lost a leg after being struck by a landmine in Chechnya when he was 12 years old, has refused to talk to investigators.

Investigators say the target of his planned attack was apparently the daily Jyllands-Posten newspaper, which in September 2005 published controversial drawings of Prophet Mohammed that ignited protests across the Islamic world.

Dukayev was lightly wounded when the rigged letter exploded in his hands in the budget Joergensen hotel in central Copenhagen. He was arrested in a nearby park where he had hidden after the blast.

Police say the bomb could have hurt but not killed anyone who opened it.

It contained the TATP explosive, used in the 2005 London bombings that killed 52 people, and steel bearings, investigators have said.

Dukayev has been charged with illegal possession of explosives and putting in danger the lives of people around him, but not with terrorism, according to police.