Expatica news

Brussels airport flies on time

A European survey shows that as far as take-off punctuality is concerned Brussels Airport is the best performer in Europe.

The figures come from the Association of European Airlines, the AEA.

It’s the second year in a row that Brussels Airport has come home in first position in the European punctuality league.

The average delay on flights taking off in Brussels is 42 minutes.

Fewer than 17% of flights departing from Brussels Airport do so with more than a quarter of an hour’s delay.

The European average is 22.7%.

The AEA says that it’s the fourth year in a row that punctuality has deteriorated across the EU.

The London airports Heathrow and Gatwick are the ones with the most frequent delays for take-off.

As far as arriving flights are concerned, Brussels is pretty punctual too. Just over 18% of flights have more than a quarter of an hour’s delay.

This puts Brussels in third place in the international league.
