Expatica news

Britain’s most desirable bachelor is Belgian

29 October 2008

Brussels-born Alexy’s heart is the main prize in the Living TV reality show “Dirty Cows”. Alexy is some catch, well-educated, good-looking and most importantly a member of Cornwall’s landed gentry.

Alexy’s country estate is just outside the picturesque town of Bodmin.
It’s here that the lonely bachelor has invited ten city girls down to get a taste of country life.

You can see the “Dirty Cows” in action Flanders on the cable lifestyle channel Vitaya.

The girls have all gone down to the country looking for true love.

However, to win Alexy’s heart they must leave their Prada handbags and Gucci sunglasses behind and get their hands dirty down on the farm.

During eight long weeks, the girls compete for the heart of one of the U.K.’s cleverest, richest and most handsom bachelors Alexy Van Kimmernade.

None other than “it girl” Tara Palmer-Tomkinson gives the girls tips on how to win Alexy round.

However, they have to get down and dirty in the farmyard.

And milking cows, gutting fish and mucking out the stables is definitely not their Louis Vuitton bag.

Alexy wants a girl who can rough it on the farm and won’t “cry, bitch or whine”.

They want make-up, hot baths and an electric kettle.

Each week one girl is voted off the programme big-brother-style.

Put forward by a friend

In an interview in Tuesday’s edition of the daily ‘De Standaard’ Alexy Van Kimmernade said that one of his friends put his name forward.

“It pays quite well and I would have regretted it later if I haven’t had done it.”

“Who knows, maybe I’ll find a girlfriend through it.”

“I live in the middle of nowhere, don’t go out much and there isn’t much choice of girls around here anyway.”

“Many young people go to London or to university first before settling down. I never had the chance because my Dad became ill and I had to run the estate.”

“It’s a good life here, but a lonely one.”

Despite loving life down on the farm, Alexy plans to leave Cornwall for a couple of years to set up an interior design company in Shanghai, China.

The Belgian-born aristocrat says that he want to broaden his horizons.
