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Boy Scouts of America… in Europe!

How did Boy Scouts of America begin?

Scouting started in the US in 1910. Concepts developed by Lord R.S.S. Baden Powell, applied in the foundation of Scouting in the UK, were used to bring together several strands of American youth movements to form Boy Scouts of America.

How long have Boy Scouts of America been active in Europe?

Transatlantic Council BSA has been in Europe since about 1950. The organisation was set up in Europe to provide support for US military families after WWII. It was later expanded to include units at many international schools to support (e.g. short-term assignment) diplomatic and business expatriate families. Children of other (non-US) expatriate families who receive education in the English language are also welcome.

How are activities run here in Europe? Does Boy Scouts here differ from in America?

Transatlantic Council operates in the same manner, using the same policies and programs, as any standard BSA council in the US.  It is run by volunteers (mostly parents), supported by a dedicated professional staff.

Activities are run locally, usually on a weekly basis. Larger events; camporees, summer camps, (Cub) adventure days, adult leader training, conferences, etc. are run by our six districts, or directly by Transatlantic Council.   

Transatlantic Council does not compete for membership with the local host country Scout organisations. It is present with their consent.

There are currently 180-190 BSA units across Europe.

How can I get involved?

Information and contact details about local units can be obtained from the Council Office at Livorno, Italy (0039 050 54 7760) or email [email protected]. (Please note: the zero after the Italian land code is required.)