Expatica news

Bird protection feeds griffon vultures

19 June 2007

NINOVE – The Flanders Bird Protection Agency has deposited more than 200 kg of pork on a pasture near Ninove. They hope the meat will help the visiting Spanish griffon vultures regain their strength.

Jan Rodts, chairman of the Flanders Bird Protection Agency, said this on VRT radio. “The offal is not intended to attract the birds so much as to help them regain their strength,” Rodts said.

“The birds must return after all to the Pyrenees in Spain where they belong and where more than 20,000 breeding pairs are settled. They need the energy to make the more than 2,000-km journey.”

The Flanders Bird Protection Agency has financed the operation.

Flemish Minister for the Environment Kris Peeters (Flemish Christian Democrat CD&V) told VRT that he doubts whether the operation is legal. He will meet with the bird protection authorities this afternoon.

The birds have not yet approached the meat. Rodts said the agency will ensure that the meat is removed if the birds do not feed on it.

About 100 griffon vultures have ventured north from Spain to find food. Some have settled near Ghent while other have continued even farther north to the Netherlands.

[Copyright Expatica News 2007]

Subject: Belgian news