Expatica news

Belgium to crack down on long-term unemployed

16 June 2004

BRUSSELS – About 90,000 unemployed persons in Belgium below age 30 will get a letter from Belgium’s National Employment office this month politely urging them to find work quickly, it was reported Wednesday.

In an effort to curb the number of Belgians on long-term unemployment – currently 171,288 – the office will tell recipients to find a job within four months. All those under 30 who have been without work for at least 15 months can expect to receive the letter.

Those who are not successful on their second try risk losing a portion of their unemployment benefits.

Anyone who does not seek to find employment should not expect to be let off the hook; the employment office has pledged to strictly follow the progress of all those who receive a letter between now and 2007.

 [Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject : Belgian news