Expatica news

Belgium cracks down on motoring offences

24 February 2004

BRUSSELS – From next week motorists in Belgium risk heavy fines for what have up until now been considered minor driving offences.

From 1 March onwards, previously minor infractions such as parking on the pavement with your hazard warning lights on could cost a wayward motorist an on-the-spot fine of EUR 150.

But that figure could rise as high as EUR 2,750 if the driver has to appear before a judge, Le Soir newspaper warned on Tuesday.

And when it comes to serious offences the new rules are even tougher. Anyone caught committing a major driving offence, for example causing a serious accident, will automatically have his or her licence taken away.

The Belgian government is bringing in the tough new driving rules in a bid to cut the number of people killed and injured on the country’s roads every year.

At present an average of four people a day die in road accidents in Belgium. The government wants to cut this total in half by 2010.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Belgian news