Expatica news

Belgians want passive smoking stubbed out

24 November 2004

BRUSSELS – The vast majority of Belgians want to see smoking banned in shops, public places and restaurants, according to a survey published on Wednesday.

La Derniere Heure reported that when a sample of 500 people were all asked where they wanted smoking banned – or an existing ban enforced – 85 percent said in places that were commonly visited by children.

For 83 percent of interviewees smoking was also a no-no in public transport, 81 percent found it unacceptable in shops and 79 percent of people were against smoking in public buildings.

Although just under a third wanted smoking banned in cafes, when it comes to restaurants, almost two-thirds of the interviewees (63 percent) think it should be outlawed.

Nearly three-quarters said meeting places should be smoke-free (72 percent). Most don’t want smoking allowed at work (67 percent) or in the car (57 percent).

Only 3 percent of the panel stated a ban was unnecessary.

The survey results were released by the Flemish League Against Cancer as it launched a campaign against passive smoking.

It said the 500 people interviewed were aged 15 plus and included 60 percent non-smokers, 18 percent former smokers and 22 percent smokers.

The current Belgian population is 70 percent non-smoking.

Those polled were also asked what places they found the smokiest. For 70 percent, restaurants in Belgium are the smokiest places, closely followed by cafes (named by 69 percent).

Socialising with friends and family can mean breathing a lot of passive smoke (56 percent), 38 percent found their workplaces smoky and around a third found festivals, concerts, cinemas, sports event and the family home had a smoky atmosphere.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news