Expatica news

Belgians unaware of bottled water dangers

25 May 2005

BRUSSELS – Most Belgians are unaware that bottled drinking water contains nitrates and have no idea of the potential health dangers caused by the presence of nitrates according to a recent survey.

A study conducted by the IPSOS institute on behalf of Chaudfontaine, the study revealed that Belgians are not very aware of potential harmful side effects of the bottled drinking water they consume daily.

Half of those surveyed for the study admitted to never even reading the labels of bottled water, Le Soir’s online edition reported on Wednesday.

Moreover, 56 percent of respondents said they did not know that the presence of nitrates (NO3) in the water was harmful, as it indicates pollution at the source. The maximum allowed European norm for nitrates is 50 milligramme’s per litre.

And only 16 percent of respondents knew that their bottled water is not meant for unlimited daily consumption.

Some 1,044 individuals between the ages of 15 and 55 were surveyed in March and April 2005 for the study.

The human body needs about 2.5 litres of water per day. About one litre of that is supplied by food, especially fruits and vegetables.

The study underscores that all bottled mineral waters were not created equal, and some may event contain harmful substances.

To find out more about the study, the Chaudfontaine information website can be visited at www.ilyaeaueteau.be.

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Subject: Belgian News