Expatica news

Belgians turning into Prozac junkies

22 November 2004

BRUSSELS – The consumption of anti-depressants such as Prozac has exploded in Belgium according to the latest figures.

Within seven years, consumption has leapt from 105 million days of treatment in 1997 to 181 million in 2004, says a report from employment insurers INAMI and the Institute of Pharmaco-epidemiology, Le Soir reported on Monday.

Women consume two or three times more anti-depressants than men.

Nearly one woman in four, between the age of 40 and 50, takes one treatment every day.

According to the general association of the medicines industry (Pharma.be), the sale of anti-depressants is ten times higher than in 1990.

The industry has produced more than 25 million boxes, compared to 19 million in 1990.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news