Expatica news

Belgians most annoyed by dog mess

21 June 2005

BRUSSELS — Belgians are irritated the most by dog mess, followed by queue jumpers, a Readers Digest survey found on Tuesday.

The survey found 90 percent of Belgians are annoyed by dog mess and 85 percent are annoyed by queue jumpers.

People spitting in public was judged to be the third most irritating thing, newspaper ‘Het Nieuwsblad’ reported.

However, Belgian residents are also annoyed by tailgating motorists, people who arrive late and internet pop-up advertisements.

The monthly magazine questioned 3,400 adults in 17 European countries what annoyed them the most.

In general, Europeans are mostly annoyed by people who litter on public roads, dog mess and queue jumpers. Across Europe, 74 percent of people are annoyed by poor personal hygiene.

In total, Portuguese people get annoyed the most, followed by the British.

[Copyright Expatica News 2005]

Subject: Belgian news