Expatica news

Belgians among Europe’s ‘most unhappy workers’

7 June 2005

BRUSSELS – Belgians have emerged from a new survey as the least satisfied workers in Europe.

Recruitment agency Kelly Services found just 35 percent of those working in Belgium described themselves as “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their current job.

The figure put them bottom of the table in Europe in the study titled “World at Work”.

By contrast, 68 percent of their Scandinavian peers were satisfied or very satisfied with their jobs.

A total of 61 percent of French workers were happy, 53 percent in Italy and Switzerland, 50 percent in Russia and Germany, 47 percent in the UK, 46 percent in Spain and 45 percent in the Netherlands.

Men working in Belgium are slightly happier than the women – 39 percent compared to 32.

The survey showed satisfaction levels varied substantially according to the field of work.

While those in the travel and leisure industry are 80 percent satisfied, those in the pharmaceutical industry are 61 percent content and teachers and administrators are 50 percent happy.

Some 69 percent of the IT sector are unhappy with their jobs and 71 percent grumble in the retail industry.

Kelly Services also pointed out that older workers seemed less happy with their jobs than their younger counterparts.

The main workers grievances are over salary, the lack of opportunity to develop skills and the type of professional training on offer at their company.

[Copyright Expatica 2005]

Subject: Belgian news