Expatica news

Belgian train fares set to rise

16 July 2004

BRUSSELS – The head of Belgium’s state backed railway company SNCB/NMBS has called for an increase in train fares from October.

Speaking in the Friday edition of Le Soir newspaper rail chief Karel Vink argued the move was needed in order to bring Belgian train fares into line with prices in other European countries.

“When it comes to fares, we are still very low compared with France and Germany,” Vink said.

“There is a gap of around 20 percent. I am not saying it needs to be filled straight away, but I want fares to go up, he added.

The SNCB/NMBS chief also said he was considering closing some of Belgium’s smaller train routes and replacing them with bus services.

SNCB/NMBS is currently in debt to the tune of EUR 11.5 billion.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news