Expatica news

Belgian road death numbers falling

16 February 2004

BRUSSELS – The number of people killed on Belgian roads in 2002 fell by 10 percent compared to the previous year, Belgian newspaper La Derniere Heure reported on Monday.

Citing soon-to-be released figures from the Belgian transport ministry, the newspaper said that just over 1,300 people were killed on Belgium’s roads in 2002 compared with nearly 1,500 in 2001.

 The police say the main reason for these encouraging figures is the increase in the number of radar speed traps set up across the country.

The radars have had a double effect argue the police. Aside from catching speeding motorists, they also discourage other drivers from putting their feet down too heavily on the accelerator in the first place.

But while La Derniere Heure said the latest figures show what appears to be an encouraging trend, the newspaper criticised the Belgian authorities for taking so long to process the road death statistics saying the 2002 figures should have been made available earlier.

The Belgian statistical office says the fault for the delay lies with the Belgian police, who take far too long to process the paperwork linked to road deaths.

La Derniere Heure said this situation was, “sad and incomprehensible.”

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Belgian news