Senate moves to ban cluster bombs
The Belgian Senate Commission for Foreign Affairs is moving to impose a ban in the production and trade of cluster bombs. The Senate has been debating weapons bans for the past few months and approved a ban on the financing of anti-personnel mines in June. On Tuesday, the Senate commission approved the proposal banning the production and use of cluster bombs. Belgium is currently active in the manufacture of cluster bombs, which often explode at a later date, resulting in civilian casualties.
Live traffic footage popular
The decision by the Flemish traffic centre to place online live footage of traffic at 16 sites in Flanders and Brussels recently has proven extremely popular. Due to the high number of visits to the centre’s website, the server’s capacity needed to be increased fivefold. The traffic centre’s website is located at:
Prisoner sex visits ‘too short’
Justice Minister Laurette Onkelinx has requested a copy of a Leuven Catholic University student’s study into ‘sex visits’ in jail. Student Ina van Havere claims prisoners find that the “undisturbed visit” is often “very forced”. Prisoners with a relationship of at least six months have the right to two-hour intimate visits with their partner once or twice a month. But the time is too short, forcing them into bed almost immediately. Time restraints mean they do not have enough time to talk. The minister’s spokeswoman said the student’s study will be examined.
[Copyright Expatica News 2005]
Subject: Belgian news