Expatica news

Army tightens security

Army chiefs have called for extra vigilance and checks at military bases will be increased.

The Army, Navy and Air Force have asked armed services personnel to be more discreet when using social media and not to wear their uniforms on their way to and from work.

Armed soldiers are now in place at the entrances to military bases.

The number of patrols on the bases has also been increased.

Suppliers will no longer be able to enter the bases without first having been identified and checked.

The measure will remain in forces for a long as the terrorist threat remains at it currently level.

Extra security for Antwerp Mayor

Extra police protection is being given to a number of politicians, including the leader of the Flemish National Party (N-VA) and Mayor of Antwerp Bart De Wever.

The extra security has come about not only due to the heightened terror threat in general, but also as a result of specific threats made in recent days.


Flandersnews.be / Expatica