Expatica news

Arbitrator to solve Flightcare dispute

19 July 2005

BRUSSELS — Belgian Labour Minister Freya van den Bossche appointed on Tuesday an arbitrator to help solve the industrial dispute at the Zaventem Airport baggage handling firm Flightcare.

With no end to the dispute in sight, the arbitrator will meet with Flightcare management and unions on Wednesday morning.

The dispute is centered on the sacking of union official ACV union representative Maria Vindevoghel for alleged breaches of safety regulations.

In turn, ACF has accused Flightcare of breaching safety regulations and is lodging a complaint with Minister Van den Bossche.

ACV underpinned its allegations on reports from the Technical Inspectorate and Labour Inspectorate.

The union has warned it will wage “guerrilla” protests despite a court ruling last week banning industrial action that might delay passengers.

Flemish travel bureau association VVR took the legal action after the ACF strike led to passenger delays at Zaventem on Friday.

If strike action result in delays again, unions will be fined EUR 6,500 per incident.

Zaventem unions have said they want to limit the impact on holidaymakers, but have not ruled out further protests.

They claim the sacking of Vindevoghel is just one example of the poor treatment of staff at Flightcare.

[Copyright Expatica News 2005]

Subject: Belgian news