Expatica news

‘Angel of death’ may have killed 19

8 October 2004

BRUSSELS – A former Belgian nurse charged with killing three old people may have killed a further 16, it has emerged.

The police are currently investigating the 16 deaths and the Brussels public prosecutor described the case of Francine Brunfaut, as “without precedent,” it was reported on Friday.

Brunfaut, 61 and from Brussels, was first arrested in Laeken in February and accused of killing three old people.

Two of the victims died in the Saint-Ignace rest home in Laeken in 2002 and 2003.

A third was found dead in 1999 in Hamme-Mille.

In each case the ex-nurse benefited financially from their deaths.

Brunfaut has not yet been charged for the 16 other deaths and she denies the previous charges against her.

[Copyright Expatica 2004]

Subject: Belgian news