Expatica news

750 people jump for cleaner water

7 July 2008

BELGIUM – About 750 people in Flanders participated in the third edition of the ‘Big Jump’, calling for cleaner water.

The ‘Big Jump’ was held on Sunday and was held in more than 80 venues all over Europe.

In Belgium, the ‘Big Jump’ took place in 17 cities and municipalities all over Belgium.

Participants of the European initiative jumped into the water to call attention to the problem of water pollution.

The Flemish jumpers were also calling for something to be done to make the river banks more attractive and to provide more space for nature- such as making green islands or planting reeds along the banks.

The most jumpers in Flanders were in Ghent. More than 1,000 people gathered at the Portus Ganda. Former green minister of the environment Vera Dua was the first to jump, and was followed by hundreds others.

Bond Beter Leefmilieu, the umbrella of the environmental organisations in Flanders; NGOs GREEN and Natuurpunt are demanding that Flemish Environment Minister Hilde Crevits make the expedient implementation of the river management plan a priority.

The NGOs used the occasion to call attention to the problem of flooding as well.

"Flooding is a problem that brings enormous cost and consequence for those affected directly, but also for the environment and society in general," point out the environmental groups.

[flandersnews.be / Expatica]

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