Expatica news

“50 pc of Belgians want headscarf ban”

25 May 2007

LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE – One in three people in Belgium is bothered by women wearing headscarves in public places. Just over half even would prefer that they be banned in certain places. Intolerance and racism are at the root of these negative views on headscarves.

This was the conclusion drawn by the religious faculty’s centre for psychology at the Catholic University of Louvain-La-Neuve after two studies into the Belgians’ attitude towards headscarves.

Some 69 percent of those asked see the headscarf as a sign of oppression and 53.3 percent thinks wearing one goes entirely against modern western values. Some  44.6 percent are disturbed by someone wearing a headscarf at school.

The researchers said that this study is evidence that society still has a long way to go in the fight against racism and intolerance.

[Copyright Expatica News 2007]

Subject: Belgian news